Sunday, December 24, 2006

I Made It Back

Back In Wisconsin

Thank you all for the prayers and encouragement for my journey home to Lacrosse Wisconsin. I made it back last night (12/23/2006) at 5:30 p.m. just having had a disaster free 1100 miles trip! I made it just under 16 hours, and spent a bit over $200 dollars in gas! I want to thank Jonathan Moorhead for writing my "Yearing for the Infinite" on Firday, it was a very challenging message and I hope that y'all enjoyed it as much as I did. I send out Christmas wishes to everyone that reads this blog!


Jonathan Moorhead said...

Glad to hear you made it back safe. We too made it safe and are enjoying Christmas in Alabama. Keep in touch!

Donald Kirby said...

Thanks for keeping us posted! Happy Holidays to you and yours.

uncle tim said...

woo hoo!!!! Moose is back!!!

Kate said...

Hey Jared! Lets get in touch!
Hope you are well!
In Christ, Kate